Chemical analysis

The Chemical Analysis Department provides chemical analytical services to industry, agriculture, governmental bodies and the scientific community, analysing air, water and soil, food, feed and samples from industry.   Environmental monitoring, research and development in the field of analysis and chemical processing are also part of the laboratory activity.  Consultation services in the field of environmental technology, impact assessment and product development are also provided.

Focus areas and contacts in the Department

  • Analysis of water, food, feed, soil, vegetation – Baldur J. Vigfusson
  • Environmental research and various analyses – Dr. Gudjon Atli Audunsson
  • Trace element analysis of various materials
  • Emission measurements and environmental sampling – Wojciech Sasinowski
  • Environmental monitoring and chemical research - Dr. Helga D. Flosadottir
  • Environmental monitoring – Hermann Thordarson
  • Environmental monitoring and chemical research - Dr. Kristmann Gislason

The Chemical Analysis Department has a range of analytical instruments for the chemical analysis of substances, ion analysis and trace element analysis, along with other specialized equipment.

The Manager of the department is Hermann Thordarson

Baldur Jón Vigfússon
Baldur Jón Vigfússon
Guðjón Atli Auðunsson
Guðjón Atli Auðunsson
Fagstjóri - efnagr. og umhv.rannsóknir
Helga Dögg Flosadóttir
Helga Dögg Flosadóttir
Fagstjóri grunnrannsókna
Hermann Þórðarson
Hermann Þórðarson
Kristmann Gíslason
Kristmann Gíslason
Wojciech Sasinowski
Wojciech Sasinowski